Wednesday 13 March 2013

Heaphy Track - Greenness

I loved seeing the shades of green as we walked down the Mackay hill. 
Soft greens, jades, aqua, and emerald greens.

Today a dear friend has sent me a copy of Aoteraroa Psalms by Joy Cowley.
Here are some extracts from a Joy Cowley psalm, Greenness that capture some of my feelings about the lush greens along our path today.

I am so blessed.

 'Dear God, there are times
 when I hear your voice most clearly
in greenness; in the singing of sap,
the conversations of the leaves....

                                                      to feel again the freshness of you
                                                            running through everything
like a bright emerald current

Again I experience you in the rejoicing...

in the wonder of light thrown against
a kaleidoscope of tree ferns,...
... in the myriad textures of leaves,
the embrace of moss-clad trees,

in the shining of You beneath every surface.

Beloved Creator, coming to your greenness
is always a coming home,
a time of peace and grace
as the unimportant in me falls away
and I know again that bright green shoot
of my own beginning
which comes from you
and is one with you,
bright and beautiful God.'

Greenness: Joy Cowley,  Aotearoa Psalms: published 2008

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